Hora del server dom 02/06/2024 horas 08:54 | Europe/Rome

Dell Server

Lote 3

Subasta n.18307

Mobiliario y oficina > Informática y Oficina

  • Dell Server 1
  • Dell Server 2
  • Dell Server 3
  • Dell Server 4
  • Dell Server 5
  • Dell Server 6
  • + foto
  • Descripcion

The lot includes:

n. 1 Dell brand server model PowerEdge T440 with hp monitor - ref. 12
n. 1 Wildix brand phone - ref. 14
n. 1 Wildix brand phone - ref. 27
n. 2 Wildix brand phone - ref. 40
n. 1 beper brand microwave oven - ref. 2
n. 1 Atlantic brand refrigerator - ref. 3


Loto suspendido por

Precio de reserva

Tramo mínimo € 50,00

Buyer's Premium 10,00 %

Depósito caucional: € 200,00

Gastos de administración € 35,00

IVA en el lote 22,00 %si fuera aplicable


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Office furniture and equipment - Computer equipment and workwear
Office furniture and equipment - Computer equipment and workwear
Office furniture and equipment - Computer equipment and workwear
9 Lotes
Subasta en Gobid.it

Office furniture and equipment - Computer equipment and workwear

Office furniture and equipment - Computer equipment and workwear

Subasta 18307

Juzgado de Verona - Judicial Liquidation n. 7/2023

vie 12/05/2023 horas 16:00

vie 16/06/2023 horas 16:00

Ficha Subasta

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