Server time Sun 16/06/2024 at 20:11 | Europe/Rome

Office Furniture And Equipment

Lot 19

Auction n.14538

Furniture and office > Furnitures and accessories

  • Office Furniture And Equipment 1
  • Office Furniture And Equipment 2
  • Office Furniture And Equipment 3
  • Office Furniture And Equipment 4
  • Office Furniture And Equipment 5
  • Office Furniture And Equipment 6
  • + foto
  • Description

The lot includes:

resin cabinet
Roll Chains
Hardware (not working)
Metal lockers (red)
Shelving Archive
Work tables
Chairs gives work
IT equipment
multifunction copier
Mobile timetable

It is advisable to make a vision to verify the material and the quantities.


Suspended Lot for

appraisal price € 1.580,00

Reserve price

Bid increment € 50,00

Buyer's Premium 5,00 %

Deposit: € 1.200,00

Additional management fees € 680,00

VAT on the lot 21,00 %where applicable


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Bakery machinery - Equipment and vehicles
Bakery machinery - Equipment and vehicles
Bakery machinery - Equipment and vehicles
19 Lots

Bakery machinery - Equipment and vehicles

Bakery machinery - Equipment and vehicles

Auction 14538

Law court of Cadiz
Sale n.2

Wed 06/04/2022 at 15:30

Thu 12/05/2022 at 15:30

Auction Details

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