Heure du serveur dim. 09/06/2024 heures 12:09 | Europe/Rome

Armchair and Bench

Lot 59

Enchère n.17601

Art et collection > Mobilier

  • Description

Wooden armchair with padded seat, backrest and armrests covered with fine fabric and wooden bench
Period: dating back to the second half of the 20th century
State of conservation: they are intact but the bench is in a state of wear - ref. Bedroom room 5

Ce lot fait partie de:

Furniture - Bedroom
CLots en vente en combinaison
2 Lots
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Lots associés

Lot de tapis

Art et collection

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Lot de Peintures

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Lot 8|Enchère 14893

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Pomigliano d'Arco (NA) - Italy

Antiquités - Mobilier et décorations
Antiquités - Mobilier et décorations
Antiquités - Mobilier et décorations
Antiquités - Mobilier et décorations
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