Heure du serveur mer. 24/04/2024 heures 17:34 | Europe/Rome

Enchère n. 12545

Cour de Cassino - Échec n. 13/2015
Vente n.2

REA GRAZIELLA - Appartamenti a Isola del Liri (FR)
7 Lots
Réduction -20%
Asta immobiliare su Gobidreal.it
Asta immobiliare su Gobidreal.it
lun. 04/10/2021 heures 15:00
mer. 22/12/2021 heures 15:00
  • Description
Conditions Générales Conditions Spécifiques Demander des informations Demander une vision Dati PVP
ID Inserzione1470567
ID Procedura450692
Tipo Proceduragiudiziaria
ID Tribunale0600190090
TribunaleTribunale di CASSINO
RitoFALLIMENTARE (nuovo rito)
Anno Procedura2015
  • Soggetto
    TipoSoggetto specializzato alla vendita
    ID Anagrafica2928775
    Soggetto Vendita1
    Soggetto Visita1
ID Lotto1371856
Descrizione (IT)Appartamento da ultimare in vendita a Isola del Liri (FR), Via Fontechiari - LOTTO 12 Vendita telematica sulla piattaforma www.gorealbid.it ASTA 12545.12
Primo Identificativo1371856
IndirizzoVia Fontechiari
ComuneIsola del Liri
  • Bene
    ID Bene1907326
    Descrizione (IT)L'immobile risulta censito al Catasto Fabbricati del Comune di Isola del Liri al Foglio 13: Particella 187 - Sub 17 - Categoria F/3 - in corso di costruzione L’appartamento in oggetto è sito al piano terzo e quarto di un immobile di maggiore consistenza che si eleva su 4 piani. L'edificio risulta terminato solo nelle parti esterne. Internamente l'immobile risulta al grezzo. A protezione degli infissi esterni sono state installate le tapparelle. Il fabbricato ricade: - PRG, in Zona "E1-Espansione Centri Abitati" zona denominata "C" ai sensi del DM 1444/1968; - ai sensi della Perimetrazione del Centro Abitato, redatta ai sensi del Codice della strada e ai sensi della L.R. 59/95 i mappali all'interno dell'area; - ai sensi del P.T.P.R. adottato con D.G.R. n. 1025 del 21/12/2007 - in zona "PAESAGGIO AGRICOLO DI VALORE" ed in "FASCIA DI RISPETTO DEI CORSI D'ACQUA" ai sensi della tavola A32 - in zona "BENI PUNTUALI DIFFUSI, FASCIA DI RISPETTO DEI 100mt" E "CORSI DELLE ACQUE PUBBLICHE" ai sensi della tavola B32; - ai sensi del piano stralcio per l'assetto idrogeologico-RISCHIO IDRAULICO BACINO LIRI-GARIGLIANO IN FASCIA "B".
    Primo Identificativo1907326
    IndirizzoVia Fontechiari
    ComuneIsola del Liri
    Bene Immobile
    • Dati catastali
    Tipo DenunciaProtocollo
Dati Vendita
Data e oramer. 22 décembre 2021 heures 15:002021-12-22T15:00:00
Indirizzovendita telematica sulla piattaforma www.gorealbid.it
Prezzo base68.280,00
Offerta Minima68.280,00
Rialzo Minimo1.000,00
Termine Presentazione Offertemer. 22 décembre 2021 heures 15:002021-12-22T15:00:00
Pagamento Contributo
Spesa Prenotata Debito
Contributo Non DovutoNo
  • Sito
    Tipologiasito pubblicita
    Indirizzo URLhttps://www.gorealbid.it/
Data pubblicazione19/11/20212021-11-19
  • effacer tous les filtres
Lands in Isola del Liri (FR) - LOT 3


Lands in Isola del Liri (FR) - LOT 3

Enchère 12545.3

Lands in Isola del Liri (FR), Contrada Via Cupa - LOT 3

The lands are registered at Land Registry of City of Isola del Liri at sheet 13:

Parcel 467 - Quality Arable Land - Class 2 - Surface 420 sqm - R.D. € 3,69 - R.A. € 2,71
Parcel 478 - Quality Arable Land - Class 2 - Surface 575 sqm - R.D. € 5,05 - R.A. € 3,71

The lands in question have an almost regular shape and no slope. Currently it is uncultivated and covered by spontaneous vegetation.

The lands fall into the:
- PRG, in Zone "E1-Expansion of Inhabited Centers" area called "C" pursuant to DM 1444/1968;
- pursuant to the Perimetrazione del Centro Inhabited, prepared in accordance with the Highway Code and pursuant to the L.R. 59/95 maps within the area;
- pursuant to P.T.P.R. adopted with D.G.R. n. 1025 of 12/21/2007
- in the area "AGRICULTURAL LANDSCAPE OF VALUE" and in "RESPECT OF WATER COURSES" in accordance with table A32 - in the area "DIFFUSED PUNCTUAL ASSETS, 100mt RESPECTIVE RANGE" AND "PUBLIC WATER COURSES" pursuant to table B32;
- according to the excerpt plan for the hydro-geological structure-HYDRAULIC RISK BASIN LIRI-GARIGLIANO IN BAND "B".

For further information consult the appraisal (Good 5-6) and the attached documentation.
Fiche du Lot

Isola del Liri (FR)

Apartment to be completed in Isola del Liri (FR) - LOT 7


Apartment to be completed in Isola del Liri (FR) - LOT 7

Enchère 12545.7

Apartment to be completed in Isola del Liri (FR), Via Fontechiari - LOT 7

The apartment is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Isola del Liri at sheet 13:

Parcel 187 - Sub 12 - Category F/3 - under construction

The apartment is located on the first floor of a building of greater consistency of four floor.
The building is finished only in the external parts. Internally the property is unfinished. The shutters have been installed to protect the openings.

The building fall into the:
- PRG, in Zone "E1-Expansion of Inhabited Centers" area called "C" pursuant to DM 1444/1968;
- pursuant to the Perimetrazione del Centro Inhabited, prepared in accordance with the Highway Code and pursuant to the L.R. 59/95 maps within the area;
- pursuant to P.T.P.R. adopted with D.G.R. n. 1025 of 12/21/2007
- in the area "AGRICULTURAL LANDSCAPE OF VALUE" and in "RESPECT OF WATER COURSES" in accordance with table A32 - in the area "DIFFUSED PUNCTUAL ASSETS, 100mt RESPECTIVE RANGE" AND "PUBLIC WATER COURSES" pursuant to table B32;
- according to the excerpt plan for the hydro-geological structure-HYDRAULIC RISK BASIN LIRI-GARIGLIANO IN BAND "B".

For further information consult the appraisal (Bene 13) and the attached documentation.
Fiche du Lot

Isola del Liri (FR)

Apartment to be completed in Isola del Liri (FR) - LOT 8


Apartment to be completed in Isola del Liri (FR) - LOT 8

Enchère 12545.8

Apartment to be completed in Isola del Liri (FR), Via Fontechiari - LOT 8

The apartment is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Isola del Liri at sheet 13:

Parcel 187 - Sub 13 - Category F/3 - under construction

The apartment is located on the second floor of a building of greater consistency of four floor.
The building is finished only in the external parts. Internally the property is unfinished. The shutters have been installed to protect the openings.

The building fall into the:
- PRG, in Zone "E1-Expansion of Inhabited Centers" area called "C" pursuant to DM 1444/1968;
- pursuant to the Perimetrazione del Centro Inhabited, prepared in accordance with the Highway Code and pursuant to the L.R. 59/95 maps within the area;
- pursuant to P.T.P.R. adopted with D.G.R. n. 1025 of 12/21/2007
- in the area "AGRICULTURAL LANDSCAPE OF VALUE" and in "RESPECT OF WATER COURSES" in accordance with table A32 - in the area "DIFFUSED PUNCTUAL ASSETS, 100mt RESPECTIVE RANGE" AND "PUBLIC WATER COURSES" pursuant to table B32;
- according to the excerpt plan for the hydro-geological structure-HYDRAULIC RISK BASIN LIRI-GARIGLIANO IN BAND "B".

For further information consult the appraisal (Bene 14) and the attached documentation.
Fiche du Lot

Isola del Liri (FR)

Apartment to be completed in Isola del Liri (FR) - LOT 9


Apartment to be completed in Isola del Liri (FR) - LOT 9

Enchère 12545.9

Apartment to be completed in Isola del Liri (FR), Via Fontechiari - LOT 9

The apartment is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Isola del Liri at sheet 13:

Parcel 187 - Sub 14 - Category F/3 - under construction

The apartment is located on the third and fourth floor of a building of greater consistency of four floor.
The building is finished only in the external parts. Internally the property is unfinished. The shutters have been installed to protect the openings.

The building fall into the:
- PRG, in Zone "E1-Expansion of Inhabited Centers" area called "C" pursuant to DM 1444/1968;
- pursuant to the Perimetrazione del Centro Inhabited, prepared in accordance with the Highway Code and pursuant to the L.R. 59/95 maps within the area;
- pursuant to P.T.P.R. adopted with D.G.R. n. 1025 of 12/21/2007
- in the area "AGRICULTURAL LANDSCAPE OF VALUE" and in "RESPECT OF WATER COURSES" in accordance with table A32 - in the area "DIFFUSED PUNCTUAL ASSETS, 100mt RESPECTIVE RANGE" AND "PUBLIC WATER COURSES" pursuant to table B32;
- according to the excerpt plan for the hydro-geological structure-HYDRAULIC RISK BASIN LIRI-GARIGLIANO IN BAND "B".

For further information consult the appraisal (Bene 15) and the attached documentation.
Fiche du Lot

Isola del Liri (FR)

Apartment in Isola del Liri (FR) - LOT 10


Apartment in Isola del Liri (FR) - LOT 10

Enchère 12545.10

Apartment in Isola del Liri (FR), Via Fontechiari - LOT 10

The apartment is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Isola del Liri at sheet 13:

Parcel 187 - Sub 15 - Category A/2 - Class 4 - Consistency 8,5 compartments - Cadastral surface 224 sqm - Cadastral rent € 667,26  

The apartment is located on the first floor of a building of greater consistency of four floor.
Internally it is divided into kitchen, living room, dining room, utility room, three bedrooms and two bathrooms, as well as a terrace and five balconies.
The building is finished in the external parts. The shutters have been installed to protect the openings.

It is noted that the property is currently leased with a regular annual contract with release for sale.

The building fall into the:
- PRG, in Zone "E1-Expansion of Inhabited Centers" area called "C" pursuant to DM 1444/1968;
- pursuant to the Perimetrazione del Centro Inhabited, prepared in accordance with the Highway Code and pursuant to the L.R. 59/95 maps within the area;
- pursuant to P.T.P.R. adopted with D.G.R. n. 1025 of 12/21/2007
- in the area "AGRICULTURAL LANDSCAPE OF VALUE" and in "RESPECT OF WATER COURSES" in accordance with table A32 - in the area "DIFFUSED PUNCTUAL ASSETS, 100mt RESPECTIVE RANGE" AND "PUBLIC WATER COURSES" pursuant to table B32;
- according to the excerpt plan for the hydro-geological structure-HYDRAULIC RISK BASIN LIRI-GARIGLIANO IN BAND "B".

For further information consult the appraisal (Bene 16) and the attached documentation.
Fiche du Lot

Isola del Liri (FR)

Apartment to be completed in Isola del Liri (FR) - LOT 11


Apartment to be completed in Isola del Liri (FR) - LOT 11

Enchère 12545.11

Apartment to be completed in Isola del Liri (FR), Via Fontechiari - LOT 11

The apartment is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Isola del Liri at sheet 13:

Parcel 187 - Sub 16 - Category F/3 - under construction

The apartment is located on the second floor of a building of greater consistency of four floor.
The building is finished only in the external parts. Internally the property is unfinished. The shutters have been installed to protect the windows.

The building fall into the:
- PRG, in Zone "E1-Expansion of Inhabited Centers" area called "C" pursuant to DM 1444/1968;
- pursuant to the Perimetrazione del Centro Inhabited, prepared in accordance with the Highway Code and pursuant to the L.R. 59/95 maps within the area;
- pursuant to P.T.P.R. adopted with D.G.R. n. 1025 of 12/21/2007
- in the area "AGRICULTURAL LANDSCAPE OF VALUE" and in "RESPECT OF WATER COURSES" in accordance with table A32 - in the area "DIFFUSED PUNCTUAL ASSETS, 100mt RESPECTIVE RANGE" AND "PUBLIC WATER COURSES" pursuant to table B32;
- according to the excerpt plan for the hydro-geological structure-HYDRAULIC RISK BASIN LIRI-GARIGLIANO IN BAND "B".

For further information consult the appraisal (Bene 17) and the attached documentation.
Fiche du Lot

Isola del Liri (FR)

Apartment to be completed in Isola del Liri (FR) - LOT 12


Apartment to be completed in Isola del Liri (FR) - LOT 12

Enchère 12545.12

Apartment to be completed in Isola del Liri (FR), Via Fontechiari - LOT 12

The apartment is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Isola del Liri at sheet 13:

Parcel 187 - Sub 17 - Category F/3 - under construction

The apartment is located on the third and fourth floor of a building of greater consistency of four floor.
The building is finished only in the external parts. Internally the property is unfinished. The shutters have been installed to protect the windows.

The building fall into the:
- PRG, in Zone "E1-Expansion of Inhabited Centers" area called "C" pursuant to DM 1444/1968;
- pursuant to the Perimetrazione del Centro Inhabited, prepared in accordance with the Highway Code and pursuant to the L.R. 59/95 maps within the area;
- pursuant to P.T.P.R. adopted with D.G.R. n. 1025 of 12/21/2007
- in the area "AGRICULTURAL LANDSCAPE OF VALUE" and in "RESPECT OF WATER COURSES" in accordance with table A32 - in the area "DIFFUSED PUNCTUAL ASSETS, 100mt RESPECTIVE RANGE" AND "PUBLIC WATER COURSES" pursuant to table B32;
- according to the excerpt plan for the hydro-geological structure-HYDRAULIC RISK BASIN LIRI-GARIGLIANO IN BAND "B".

For further information consult the appraisal (Bene 18) and the attached documentation.
Fiche du Lot

Isola del Liri (FR)

  • 24
  • 36
  • 48

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