Heure du serveur ven. 19/04/2024 heures 01:45 | Europe/Rome

Enchère n. 14438

Cour de Trento - Échec n. 50/2020
Vente n.4

Artogne (BS)

MCM - Due terreni edificabili ad Artogne (BS)
1 Lot
Réduction -72%
Asta immobiliare su Gobidreal.it
Asta immobiliare su Gobidreal.it
ven. 25/03/2022 heures 15:30
lun. 06/06/2022 heures 16:17
  • Description
Conditions Générales Conditions Spécifiques Demander des informations Demander une vision Dati PVP
ID Inserzione1610087
ID Procedura660354
Tipo Proceduragiudiziaria
ID Tribunale0222050099
TribunaleTribunale di TRENTO
RitoFALLIMENTARE (nuovo rito)
Anno Procedura2020
  • Soggetto
    TipoSoggetto specializzato alla vendita
    CognomeGobid International Auction Group Srl
    ID Anagrafica3224466
    Soggetto Vendita1
    Soggetto Visita1
ID Lotto1488710
Descrizione (IT)Due terreni edificabili in vendita ad Artogne (BS), via Fornaci I terreni edificabili sono inseriti all’interno della zona industriale in ambito di trasformazione produttiva secondo l’attuale Piano di Governo del Territorio vigente. Vendita telematica sulla piattaforma www.gorealbid.it ASTA 14438
Primo Identificativo1488710
IndirizzoVia Fornaci
  • Bene
    ID Bene2047225
    Descrizione (IT)I due terreni risultano censiti al: - Catasto Fabbricati del Comune di Artogne al Foglio 3 - Particella 3635 - Sub 5 – Area urbana – Superficie 2.955 mq; - Catasto Terreni del Comune di Artogne al Foglio 9 - Particella 3293 – Seminativo – Classe 1 – Superficie 1.685 – R.D. € 7,40 – R.A. € 4,79 I due terreni sono a giacitura pianeggiante ed attualmente incolti. La particella 3635 risulta essere interamente recintata e l’accesso avviene tramite cancello automatico, collegato alla linea elettrica dell’abitazione adiacente, e che pertanto andrà reso autonomo. Sui terreni in oggetto è presente un vincolo per gli elettrodotti e relativa fascia di rispetto come indicato nel CDU riportato al punto 6.1, entrambi i terreni sono attraversati da due ampi elettrodotti posizionati uno più a nord del lotto prospiciente la via Fornaci e un secondo elettrodotto più a sud del lotto. Si fa presente che una piccola porzione di entrambe i terreni sarà oggetto di esproprio da parte del Comune di Artogne per la realizzazione della strada di collegamento tra via Fornaci e Via XXV Aprile. Si prega di notare la presenza di una recinzione, a confine con altra proprietà, realizzata senza alcun titolo abilitativo.
    Primo Identificativo2047225
    Indirizzovia Fornaci
    Bene Immobile
    • Dati catastali
    Tipo DenunciaProtocollo
Dati Vendita
Data e oralun. 06 juin 2022 heures 15:302022-06-06T15:30:00
Indirizzovendita telematica sulla piattaforma www.gorealbid.it
Prezzo base58.800,00
Offerta Minima58.800,00
Rialzo Minimo1.000,00
Termine Presentazione Offertelun. 06 juin 2022 heures 15:302022-06-06T15:30:00
Pagamento Contributo
Spesa Prenotata Debito
Contributo Non DovutoNo
  • Sito
    Tipologiasito pubblicita
    Indirizzo URLhttps://www.gorealbid.it/
Data pubblicazione07/04/20222022-04-07

Lots disponibles en vente (1)

Two building lands in Artogne (BS)


Two building lands in Artogne (BS)

Enchère 14438

Two building lands in Artogne (BS), via Fornaci

The lands are registered at:

-  Real Estate Registry of City of Artogne at Sheet 3 - Parcel 3635 - Sub. 5 - Urban area - Surface 2,955 sqm
- Land Registry of City of Artogne at Sheet 9 - Parcel 3293 - Arable land - Class 1 - Surface 1.685 - R.D. € 7.40 - R.A. € 4.79

The building land is inserted within the industrial area in the context of productive transformation according to the current Territory Governance Plan in force.
The two lands are flat and currently uncultivated.
Parcel 3635 is fully fenced and access is via an automatic gate, connected to the power line of the adjacent house and therefore must be made autonomous.
On the land in question there is a constraint for power lines and relative buffer zone as indicated in the TOU reported in point 6.1, both land are crossed by two large power lines positioned one further north of the lot facing via Fornaci and a second longer power line. south of the lot.
Please note that a small portion of both lands will be subject to expropriation by the Municipality of Artogne for the construction of the connecting road between Via Fornaci and Via XXV Aprile.
Please note the presence of a fence, on the border with another property, built without any abilitated title.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
It is also possible to request further documentation at e-mail pec adress gorealbid@pec.it
Fiche du Lot

Artogne (BS)

Ventes liées

Machinery and components for - Plumbing and air conditioning systems - Office furniture and equipment
Machinery and components for - Plumbing and air conditioning systems - Office furniture and equipment
Machinery and components for - Plumbing and air conditioning systems - Office furniture and equipment
18 Lots
Enchère sur Gobid.it

Machinery and components for - Plumbing and air conditioning systems - Office furniture and equipment

Machinery and components for - Plumbing and air conditioning systems - Office furniture and equipment

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Fiche de l'Enchère
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Smart Forfour Brabus

Smart Forfour Brabus

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Fiche de l'Enchère
Metalworking - Machinery and equipment
Metalworking - Machinery and equipment
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Offre libre
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Fiche de l'Enchère
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Toyota Yaris - Piaggio Scarabeo
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Enchère sur Gobid.it

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Fiche de l'Enchère
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Fruit and vegetable trade - Plants and equipment
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23 Lots
Offre libre
Enchère sur Gobid.it

Fruit and vegetable trade - Plants and equipment

Fruit and vegetable trade - Plants and equipment

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mer. 24/04/2024 heures 16:00

Fiche de l'Enchère
Fruit and vegetable distribution - Equipment and vehicles
Fruit and vegetable distribution - Equipment and vehicles
Fruit and vegetable distribution - Equipment and vehicles
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Enchère sur Gobid.it

Fruit and vegetable distribution - Equipment and vehicles

Fruit and vegetable distribution - Equipment and vehicles

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Fiche de l'Enchère
1 Lots
Enchère sur Gobid.it



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Fiche Annonce
Business branch - Car trade and repair
1 Lots
Enchère sur Gobid.it

Business branch - Car trade and repair

Business branch - Car trade and repair

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Cour de Foggia - Échec n. 11/2022

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mar. 23/04/2024 heures 16:00

Fiche de l'Enchère
Electric pallet trucks - Machinery and equipment - Home furnishings
Electric pallet trucks - Machinery and equipment - Home furnishings
Electric pallet trucks - Machinery and equipment - Home furnishings
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Enchère sur Gobid.it

Electric pallet trucks - Machinery and equipment - Home furnishings

Electric pallet trucks - Machinery and equipment - Home furnishings

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Fiche de l'Enchère