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Sale Mixed Live Law court of Milano Bankr. n. 471/2019

Villa with lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)

  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)

starting priceEUR 507.000,00

Participation state

Experiment number3


LocationSomma Lombardo (VA)

Minimum offerEUR 507.000,00

Bid incrementEUR 30.000,00

Type of competitionMixed Live

Offer presentation deadlineWed 27/10/2021 at 13:00

Sale timeThu 28/10/2021 at 14:30

Deposit:10,00% dell'offerta

Overbid time1 minutes

Indicated prices VAT and fees excluded

PVP data
ID Inserzione1401504
ID Procedura624364
Tipo Proceduragiudiziaria
ID Tribunale0151460094
TribunaleTribunale di MILANO
RitoFALLIMENTARE (nuovo rito)
Anno Procedura2019
  • Soggetto
    ID Anagrafica2774363
    Soggetto Vendita1
    Soggetto Visita1
ID Lotto1308987
Descrizione (IT)Si raccolgono offerte per una villa su due livelli con n. 3 differenti appartamenti, piano seminterrato ad uso autorimesse e terreni adiacenti a Somma Lombardo (VA), via Isaia Bianco 52/54
Primo Identificativo1308987
IndirizzoVia Isaia Bianco 52/54
ComuneSomma Lombardo
  • Bene
    ID Bene1828413
    Descrizione (IT)L’immobile risulta censito al Catasto Fabbricati del Comune di Somma Lombardo al Foglio 4: Particella 8222 – Sub 4–5-6–7-8–9; Particella 8847 – Categoria C/6 I terreni risultano censiti al Catasto Terreni del Comune di Somma Lombardo al Foglio 4: Particelle 5434–5503–8223–8844–8845–8846–8979-9162-9268 Il lotto in oggetto si compone di uno stabile ristrutturato con lavori terminati presumibilmente nel 1990 e di vari appezzamenti di terreno in posizione limitrofa all’immobile. Al complesso si accede da strada sterrata con ampio giardino e le unità immobiliari che lo compongono sono le seguenti: - Corpo 1 appartamento con studio e cantina, SUB 6, è distribuito su due piani: ingresso con scala, soggiorno, pranzo, cucina, dispensa ed un bagno al piano terra; quattro camere e quattro bagni, al piano primo. L’impianto di riscaldamento centralizzato è in comune con gli altri appartamenti e l’impianto elettrico è in parte incompleto. Lo studio è posto al piano primo con accesso da ballatoio comune non collegato all’appartamento principale. La cantina ed il locale caldaia sono posti al piano interrato; - Corpo 2 appartamento, SUB 8, distribuito in ingresso/cucina/soggiorno con accesso al piano primo da ballatoio comune, una camera ed un bagno; - Corpo 3 appartamento, SUB 9, distribuito su due piani: ingresso con scala al piano terra, soggiorno/cucina, due camere ed un bagno al piano primo; - Corpo 4 deposito, SUB 7, formato da cinque locali con accesso da porticato al piano terra; - Corpo 5 box, SUB 4, sito al piano interrato; - Corpo 6 box, SUB 5, sito al piano interrato; - Corpo 7 tettoia sita al piano terra a cui si accede dal terreno Mappale 8247, limitrofo all’edificio principale. I terreni sono adiacenti l’edificio. Si fa presente che l'immobile viene venduto comprensivo dei beni mobili presenti all'interno.
    Primo Identificativo1828413
    Indirizzovia Isaia Bianco 52/54
    ComuneSomma Lombardo
    Bene Immobile
    • Dati catastali
    Tipo DenunciaProtocollo
Dati Vendita
Data e oraThu 28 October 2021 at 14:302021-10-28T14:30:00
Indirizzovia Monte Rosa 90 c/o Montebianco Mokinba Hotels
Prezzo base507.000,00
Offerta Minima507.000,00
Rialzo Minimo30.000,00
Termine Presentazione OfferteWed 27 October 2021 at 13:002021-10-27T13:00:00
Pagamento Contributo
Spesa Prenotata Debito
Contributo Non DovutoNo
  • Sito
    Tipologiasito pubblicita
    Indirizzo URL
  • Sito
    Tipologiagestore delle vendite
    Indirizzo URL
Data pubblicazione20/08/20212021-08-20


SALE MIXED LIVE - Villa with lands in Somma Lombardo (VA), Via Isaia Bianco 52/54

We collect offers for a villa with n. 3 different appartments, basement used garage and lands.

Purchase offers can be presented:

- in a closed packet before 13:00 of day 27/10/2021, at office of Dott. Marco Mistò, located in Milano, Viale Abruzzi 81

- by telematic modality, using web form "Telematic Offer" made available by Ministry of Justice trought the present webpage before 13:00 of day 27/10/2021

In the event of the telematic offers users are advised to start filling out offer well in advance of fixed terms.

Auction base price EUR 507,000.00

Sale operations will take place on 28 October 2021 starting at 14:30

For further information on lot and on participation modalities consult attached announcement and documentation

Procedure's details

Law courtMilano



ReceiverDott. Mistò Marco

Goods included in lots (1)

  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)
  • Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)

Villa with Lands in Somma Lombardo (VA)

Somma Lombardo (VA)

Villa with lands in Somma Lombardo (VA), Via Isaia Bianco 52/54 The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Somma Lombardo at sheet 4: Parcel 8222 - Sub 4-5-6-7-8-9; Parcel 8847 - Category C/6 The lands are registered at Land Registry of City of Somma Lombardo on Sheet 4: Parcel 5434-5503-8223-8844-8845-8846-8979-9162-9268 The lot consists of a renovated building with works presumably completed in 1990 and various plots of land adjacent to the property. The complex is accessed from a dirt road with a large garden and the real estate units that compose it are the following: - building 1 apartment with study and cellar, SUB 6, is distributed on two floors: entrance with staircase, living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry and a bathroom on the ground floor; four bedrooms and four bathrooms, on the first floor. The central heating system is shared with the other apartments and the electrical system is partially incomplete. The study is located on the first floor with access from a common balcony not connected to the main apartment. The cellar and the boiler room are located in the basement - building 2 apartment, SUB 8, distributed in the entrance/kitchen/living room with access to the first floor from a common balcony, a bedroom and a bathroom. - building 3 apartment, SUB 9, distributed on two floors: entrance with staircase on the ground floor, living room/kitchen, two bedrooms and a bathroom on the first floor. - building 4 storage, SUB 7, consisting of five rooms with access from the porch on the ground floor. - building 5 box, SUB 4, located in the basement. - building 6 box, SUB 5, located in the basement. - building 7 canopy located on the ground floor which is accessed from the parcel 8247 land, adjacent to the main building. The land is adjacent to the building. Please note that the property is sold including the movable property inside.
  • Area: 521 sqm
  • Box : 76 sqm
  • Lands: 15155 mq
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