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Industrial building with apartments in Bastia Umbra (PG) - LOT 2


Real Estate > Industrial Properties

  • Industrial building with apartments in Bastia Umbra (PG) - LOT 2 1
  • Industrial building with apartments in Bastia Umbra (PG) - LOT 2 2
  • Industrial building with apartments in Bastia Umbra (PG) - LOT 2 3
  • Industrial building with apartments in Bastia Umbra (PG) - LOT 2 4
  • Industrial building with apartments in Bastia Umbra (PG) - LOT 2 5
  • Industrial building with apartments in Bastia Umbra (PG) - LOT 2 6
  • + foto
  • Description
OFFERS GATHERING - Industrial building with apartments in Bastia Umbra (PG), Via dell'Artigianato 18 - LOT 2

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Bastia Umbra at sheet 16:
Parcel 360 - Sub 3 - Category A/2 - Class 4 - Consistency 9.5 compartments - Cadastral Rent € 834.08
Parcel 360 - Sub 4 - Category A/2 - Class 4 - Consistency 7.5 compartments - Cadastral Rent € 658.48
Parcel 360 - Sub 1 - Uncensored Common Good
Parcel 360 - Sub 5 - Category D/1 - Cadastral Rent € 12,832.00
Parcel 360 - Sub 6 - Category A/10 - Class 1 - Consistency 3 compartments - Cadastral Rent € 875.39

The lands are registered at Land Registry of City of Bastia Umbra at sheet 7:
Parcels 205-360- Urban Authority - Surface 4,370 sqm

The lot in question consists of several real estate units located within the industrial area of ​​Bastia Umbra, with low population density, but strictly characterized by the presence of production buildings, for artisanal, industrial and commercial use.
The location is favorable as it is located near the highway (Strada Statale 75) and the Umbria International Airport.
The factory (Sub. 5), with a commercial area of ​​2,099.30 square meters, develops on the ground floor only and consists of three bays, with independent pedestrian and vehicular access. Adjacent, on the North-West side, there is a canopy to protect the systems and generators necessary for production and three other accessory rooms, intended for storage rooms and power plant.
The factory is divided into different functional areas, respectively intended for the assembly of the machinery produced, a workshop equipped with a painting department, as well as executive and/or commercial offices, made with removable metal boxes.
The useful internal heights of the shed vary between a maximum of 7.50 m and a minimum of 6.50 m; as for the canopy and the accessory compartments on the north-west side, they are 3.05 m and 3.35 m respectively.

The housing units rise to the basement, ground, first and second floors and are so distinct:
- Sub 3, apartment with a commercial area of ​​295.80 square meters, develops on the basement floors where the cellar is located, the ground floor used as a living room with kitchenette, bathroom and boiler room and first floor consisting of entrance, living room, kitchen, corridor, three bedrooms, two bathrooms and three balconies;
- Sub 4, apartment with a commercial area of ​​134.80 square meters, develops on the basement floors where the cellar is located and the second floor consisting of entrance, living room, kitchen, three bedrooms, a bathroom and a balcony balcony;
- Sub 6, office with a commercial area of ​​58.90 square meters, is developed entirely on the ground floor and is divided into two offices, hallway and bathroom.

The property includes an external courtyard used as a yard, maneuvering area and loading and unloading area.

Part of the properties pertaining to this real estate complex (Opificio - Sub 5 and Offices - Sub 6), are included in the business branch rental contract. The contract is valid for a duration of 6 years, starting from 01/06/2018, with an annual fee of € 27,600. The contract will be terminated as a result of the judicial sale without the need for any prior notice of cancellation.

For further information consult attached appraisal and documention.

To make an offer you will need to register on the portal, click on the "Make an offer" button and follow the guided procedure to download the offer form.
The same must be returned signed, for acceptance of the proposed conditions, to the address together with the requested documentation.

Please check Sale Notice and specific conditions for further information concerning participation.

Retail surface: 2625.4 sqm

Area: 2.076,70 sqm

Sqm Court: 2140 sqm

  • Attached documents (4)


Suspended Lot for

Buyer's Premium 2,50 %


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ID Inserzione2172150
ID Procedura296053
Tipo Proceduragiudiziaria
ID Tribunale0540390094
TribunaleTribunale di PERUGIA
Anno Procedura2016
  • Soggetto
    TipoSoggetto specializzato alla vendita
    CognomeGobid International Auction Group Srl
    ID Anagrafica4430897
    Soggetto Vendita1
    Soggetto Visita1
ID Lotto1973158
Descrizione (IT)RACCOLTA OFFERTE - Opificio e appartamenti a Bastia Umbra (PG), Via dell'Artigianato 18/20 - LOTTO 2 - vendita telematica sulla piattaforma n.21726.2
Primo Identificativo1973158
IndirizzoVia dell'Artigianato 18/20
ComuneBastia Umbra
  • Bene
    ID Bene2608996
    Descrizione (IT)L’immobile risulta censito al Catasto Fabbricati del Comune di Bastia Umbra al Foglio 16: Particella 360 – Sub 3 – Categoria A/2 – Classe 4 – Consistenza 9,5 vani – R.C. € 834,08; Particella 360 – Sub 4 – Categoria A/2 – Classe 4 – Consistenza 7,5 vani – R.C. € 658,48; Particella 360 – Sub 1 – Bene Comune non censibile; Particella 360 – Sub 5 – Categoria D/1 – R.C. € 12.832,00; Particella 360 – Sub 6 – Categoria A/10 – Classe 1 – Consistenza 3 vani – R.C. € 875,39 I terreni risultano censiti al Catasto Terreni del Comune di Bastia Umbra al Foglio 7: Particelle 205-360 – Ente Urbano – Superficie 4.370 mq Il lotto in oggetto si compone di più unità immobiliari collocate all’interno della zona industriale di Bastia Umbra, con scarsa densità abitativa, ma prettamente caratterizzata dalla presenza di fabbricati produttivi, a destinazione artigianale, industriale e commerciale. L’ubicazione è favorevole in quanto posta in prossimità della Superstrada (Strada Statale 75) e dell’Aeroporto Internazionale dell’Umbria. L’opificio (Sub. 5), superficie commerciale di 2.099,30 mq, si sviluppa al solo piano terra e si compone di tre campate, dotate di accessi indipendenti, pedonali e carrabili. In adiacenza, sul lato Nord-Ovest, sono presenti una tettoia a protezione degli impianti e dei generatori necessari all’attività produttiva ed altri tre vani accessori, destinati a ripostigli e centrale elettrica. L’opificio risulta ripartito in diverse zone funzionali, rispettivamente destinate al montaggio/assemblaggio dei macchinari prodotti, ad officina provvista di reparto verniciatura, nonché ad uffici direzionali e/o commerciali, realizzati con box amovibili in metallo. Le altezze interne utili del capannone, variano tra un massimo di m 7,50 ed un minimo di m 6,50; quanto alla tettoia ed ai vani accessori posti sul lato Nord-Ovest, son pari rispettivamente a m 3,05 e m 3,35. Le unità abitative si elevano ai piani interrato, terra, primo e secondo e sono cosi distinte: - Sub 3, appartamento con superficie commerciale di 295,80 mq, si sviluppa ai piani interrato dove è sita la cantina, il piano terra adibito a soggiorno con angolo cottura, bagno e centrale termica e piano primo costituito da ingresso, soggiorno, cucina, corridoio, tre camere, due bagni e tre balconi; - Sub 4, appartamento con superficie commerciale di 134,80 mq, si sviluppa ai piani interrato dove è sita la cantina e piano secondo costituito da ingresso, soggiorno, cucina, tre camere, un bagno ed un balcone; - Sub 6, ufficio con superficie commerciale di 58,90 mq, si sviluppa interamente al piano terra ed è suddiviso in due uffici, disimpegno e bagno. Completa la proprietà una corte esterna adibita a piazzale, area manovra e carico e scarico. Parte degli immobili afferenti al presente compendio immobiliare (Opificio - Sub 5 ed Uffici - Sub 6), risultano essere ricompresi nel contratto di affitto di ramo di azienda. Il contratto è valevole per la durata di anni 6, a decorrere dal 01/06/2018, con un canone annuo di € 27.600. Il contratto si risolverà per effetto delle vendita giudiziaria senza necessità di alcun preventivo avviso di disdetta.
    Primo Identificativo2608996
    IndirizzoVia dell'Artigianato 18/20
    ComuneBastia Umbra
    Bene Immobile
    • Dati catastali
    Tipo DenunciaProtocollo
Dati Vendita
Data e oraWed 08 May 2024 at 12:002024-05-08T12:00:00
Indirizzovendita telematica sulla piattaforma
Prezzo base597.977,42
Offerta Minima597.977,42
Rialzo Minimo15.000,00
Termine Presentazione OfferteWed 08 May 2024 at 12:002024-05-08T12:00:00
Pagamento Contributo
Spesa Prenotata Debito
Contributo Non DovutoNo
  • Sito
    Tipologiasito pubblicita
    Indirizzo URL
Data pubblicazione26/03/20242024-03-26

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Industrial building in Gualdo Tadino (PG)

Real Estate

Industrial building in Gualdo Tadino (PG)

Notice 21338

OFFERS GATHERING - Industrial building in Gualdo Tadino (PG), Località Palazzo Mancinelli, Via Flaminia Nord

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of  Gualdo Tadino at sheet 11:
Parcel 109 - Sub 1 - Category D/7 - Cadastral Rent € 6,730.00
Parcel 109 - Sub 2 - Category D/7 - Cadastral Rent € 5,254.00

The land is registered at Land Registry of City of  Gualdo Tadino at sheet 11:
Parcel 442 - Irrigated arable land - Class 2 - Surface area 80 sqm - R.D. €0.25
Parcel 784 - Irrigated arable land with trees - Class 2 - Surface area 610 sqm - R.D. €1.42

Property located within the industrial area of the municipality of Gualdo Tadino.
Shed made of prefabricated reinforced concrete with prefabricated concrete panels infill and built globally in 2 different moments.
It consists of a ground floor in which the production and service area develops, i.e. warehouses, technical office, changing rooms and toilets, and a first floor used as offices of a smaller size than the ground floor.
The finishes are of good quality, in particular in the production area the floor is of the industrial type with a quartz finish, the fixtures and driveway doors are insulated in anodized aluminum. The external fixtures are in pre-painted aluminum.
The outdoor area consists of a gravel driveway paving.

There are urban and cadastral differences.

The property is subject to a lease expiring on 09/12/2027, renewable for a further six years, at an annual rent of €14,400.00. Cancellation can be given 6 months in advance.

For further information consult attached appraisal and documention.

To make an offer you will need to register on the portal, click on the "Make an offer" button and follow the guided procedure to download the offer form.
The same must be returned signed, for acceptance of the proposed conditions, to the address together with the requested documentation.

Please check Sale Notice and specific conditions for further information concerning participation.
Lot Detalis

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VENDITA ASINCRONA TELEMATICA - Immobile Industriale a Costacciaro (PG) - lotto 2, SS S.S. Flaminia 208

Le offerte di acquisto potranno essere presentate entro il giorno lun 03/06/2024 ore 12:00.

In caso di offerta telematica si consiglia agli utenti di iniziare le operazioni di compilazione dell'offerta con largo anticipo rispetto al termine fissato

Le operazioni di vendita si svolgeranno il giorno 04/06/2024 a partire dalle ore 12:00

Per ulteriori informazioni sul lotto e sulle modalità di partecipazione consultare il bando di vendita e la documentazione in allegato
Lot Detalis

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Sale 21589.3

VENDITA ASINCRONA TELEMATICA - Deposito a Costacciaro (PG) - lotto 3, SS Flaminia 208

Le offerte di acquisto potranno essere presentate entro il giorno lun 03/06/2024 ore 12:00.

In caso di offerta telematica si consiglia agli utenti di iniziare le operazioni di compilazione dell'offerta con largo anticipo rispetto al termine fissato

Le operazioni di vendita si svolgeranno il giorno 04/06/2024 a partire dalle ore 12:00

Per ulteriori informazioni sul lotto e sulle modalità di partecipazione consultare il bando di vendita e la documentazione in allegato
Lot Detalis

Sale date 04 June 2024 at 12:00

Costacciaro (Perugia)

Industrial building in Todi (PG) - LOT B

Real Estate

Industrial building in Todi (PG) - LOT B

Notice 21723

OFFERS GATHERING - Industrial building a Todi (PG), Ilci Locality, Locality Giardino 66 - LOT B

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Todi at sheet 19:

Parcel 398 - Under construction

The property in question is a recently built warehouse for storage use.
It rises on a single floor and is internally devoid of partitions.
The building is equipped with an electrical system with power supply through the delivery cabin and user cabin connected to the general systems panel, there is also the preparation of the water system.
The external area has an area of 2,570 square meters and serves as a storage area for materials, a maneuvering area and a loading and unloading area.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.

To make an offer you will need to register on the portal, click on the "Make an offer" button and follow the guided procedure to download the offer form.
The same must be returned signed, for acceptance of the proposed conditions, to the address together with the requested documentation.

Please check Sale Notice and specific conditions for further information concerning participation.
Lot Detalis

Todi (PG)

Industrial building in Assisi (PG) - LOT 1

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Industrial building in Assisi (PG) - LOT 1

Sale 22299

VENDITA ASINCRONA TELEMATICA - Industrial building in Assisi (PG) - LOT 1

Le offerte di acquisto potranno essere presentate entro il giorno gio 20/06/2024 ore 12:00.

In caso di offerta telematica si consiglia agli utenti di iniziare le operazioni di compilazione dell'offerta con largo anticipo rispetto al termine fissato

Le operazioni di vendita si svolgeranno il giorno 21/06/2024 a partire dalle ore 10:00

Per ulteriori informazioni sul lotto e sulle modalità di partecipazione consultare il bando di vendita e la documentazione in allegato
Lot Detalis

Sale date 21 June 2024 at 10:00

Assisi (PG)

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Immobile Industriale a Magione (PG) - lotto 1

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VENDITA ASINCRONA TELEMATICA - Immobile Industriale a Magione (PG) - lotto 1, VOCABOLO LA COSTA

Le offerte di acquisto potranno essere presentate entro il giorno lun 29/07/2024 ore 12:00.

In caso di offerta telematica si consiglia agli utenti di iniziare le operazioni di compilazione dell'offerta con largo anticipo rispetto al termine fissato

Le operazioni di vendita si svolgeranno il giorno 30/07/2024 a partire dalle ore 11:00

Per ulteriori informazioni sul lotto e sulle modalità di partecipazione consultare il bando di vendita e la documentazione in allegato
Lot Detalis

Sale date 30 July 2024 at 11:00

Magione (Perugia)

Industrial building in Uta (CA) - LOT 2

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Industrial building in Uta (CA) - LOT 2

Auction 22594.2

Industrial building in Uta (CA), Macchiareddu Industrial Area - LOT 2

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of Municipality of Uta at sheet 51:

Parcel 336 – Category D/7 – Cadastral Rent € 37.350,00

The land is registered at Land Registry of Municipality of Uta at sheet 51:

Parcel 336 – Urban area

The property consists of a main building with a rectangular plan, connected to an adjacent body by a distribution tower.
Access to the property is via a driveway gate or pedestrian walkway. The area is totally fenced.
The main building develops almost completely on the ground floor and has an area of ​​2,421.57 sqm. The flooring is in concrete with a quartz finish. The portion of the building that connects it to the distribution tower rises on two floors. The ground floor is used as a thermal power plant, technical rooms, two offices and two bathrooms. The second floor, which is accessed from the distribution tower, consists of 4 warehouses and a bathroom.
The distribution tower rises on four floors above ground and houses the elevator and the stairs connecting the two buildings.
The second building is used as offices and staff quarters, spread over two floors. The ground floor is used as offices, canteen, toilets and technical rooms.
The first floor is used as accommodation for staff, is divided into 11 bedrooms with en suite bathrooms, three studios and a common room. Each floor has an area of ​​488.46 sqm.
There are the fire prevention system, electrical system, telephone system, air conditioning system, heating system, air exchange and alarm system.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Lot Detalis

Uta (CA)

Industrial building in Massa Martana (PG) - LOT 3

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Industrial building in Massa Martana (PG) - LOT 3

Auction 22595.3

Industrial building in Massa Martana (PG), via dell'Artigianato - LOT 3

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Massa Martana at sheet 28:

Parcel 620 – Category D/7 – Cadastral Rent € 16.877,81
Parcel 621 – Urban area
Parcel 622 – Urban area
Parcel 624 – Urban area

The lands registered at Land Registry of City of Massa Martana at sheet 28:

Parcel 620 – Urban authority – sqm 10.502
Parcel 621 – Urban authority – sqm 230
Parcel 622 – Urban authority – sqm 15
Parcel 624 – Urban authority – sqm 3
Parcel 1176 –  Arable land – Class 2 – sqm 7.435 – R.D. € 32,64 – R.A. € 34,56
Parcel 1183 – Olive tree grove – Class 2 – sqm 210 – R.D. € 0,65 – R.A. € 0,54
Parcel 1184 – Olive tree grove – Class 2 – sqm 4 – R.D. € 0,01 – R.A. € 0,01
Parcel 1189 - Pasture - Class 1  - sqm 1.080 - R.D. € 1,39 - R.A. € 0,22
Parcel 1210 – Arable land – Class 2 – sqm 4.167 – R.D. € 18,29 – R.A. € 19,37

The property consists of an isolated building with a surrounding court which is accessed by an automated gate. The property is completely fenced.
The shed consists of a main body used as a workshop of the surface of 4,300 square meters, in addition to a portion that rises on two floors above ground. The ground floor of this portion is intended for dining room, dressing room and showers. The first floor, accessible from the workshop via an internal staircase, is divided into two offices and toilets.
On the back of the shed there are two artifacts, the first used as a painting booth and the second used as a processing-cutting area.
In adherence to the short side of the shed, a warehouse was created for semi-finished products and assembly area.
On the area of ​​the square there is an electrical substation and a cabin for the truck.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Lot Detalis

Massa Martana (PG)

Industrial building in Massa Martana (PG) - LOT 4

Real Estate

Industrial building in Massa Martana (PG) - LOT 4

Auction 22595.4

Industrial building in Massa Martana (PG), Colle Locality - LOT 4

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Massa Martana at sheet 22:

Parcel 637 – Category D/1 – Cadastral Rent € 50.628,00

The lands registered at Land Registry of City of Massa Martana at sheet 28:

Parcel 637 – Urban authority – sqm 11.810
Parcel 70 – Pasture– Class 2 – sqm 660 – R.D. € 0,44 – R.A. € 0,10
Parcel 71 – Pasture – Class 1 – sqm 640 – R.D. € 0,83 – R.A. € 0,13
Parcel 769 – Farm buildings – sqm 360
Parcel 58 – Pasture – Class 1 – sqm 415 – R.D. € 0,54 – R.A. € 0,09
Parcel 59 – Arable land – Class 4 – sqm 1.915 – R.D. € 4,45 – R.A. € 6,92

The industrial complex consists of several warehouses with appurtenant land, that is accessed via an automated driveway gate.

The buildings that make up the industrial complex are:

• Main building, spread over three floors above ground. The ground floor is used as offices, canteen, meeting room and toilets, for a total area of ​​471 square meters. The first and second floor, which can be accessed from internal and external stairs as well as by elevator, have an area of ​​745 m2 and 1865 m2 and are used as offices and toilets. The ground floor laboratory is accessed from the square via a driveway door.

• Office area, placed in adherence to the main building. Completely on the ground floor, it has an area of ​​750 square meters and houses offices, archives and toilets.

• Warehouse, stands on a single floor above ground and has an area of ​​787 square meters. Located on the back of the main body, it is connected to it through a tunnel. The building is used for 650 square meters as a warehouse, bathroom and technical room with access from the outside, for 100 square meters for offices and toilets and for 37 square meters in boxes.

• Warehouse and workshop, located on the ground floor for an area of ​​348 sqm.

• Warehouse, is completely developed on the ground floor and has an area of ​​304 square meters.

There is also a canopy of 180 sqm, a thermal power plant of 15 sqm and a tunnel of 190 sqm.

Please note that there are some cadastral irregularities.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Lot Detalis

Massa Martana (PG)

Industrial building in Terni - LOT 5

Real Estate

Industrial building in Terni - LOT 5

Auction 22596.5

Industrial building in Terni, Strada Maratta Bassa - LOT 5

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of Municipality of Terni at sheet 81:

Parcel 216 – Category D/7 – Cadastral Rent € 78.890,00
Parcel 81 – Urban area – sqm 394
Parcel 397 – Urban area – sqm 117

The lands registered at Land Registry of Municipality of Terni at sheet 81:

Parcel 216 – Urban authority – sqm 61.900
Parcel 396 – Urban authority – sqm 394
Parcel 397 – Urban authority – sqm 1172

The industrial complex is divided into:

• Factory, rises on a single floor above ground, with a surface area of ​​17,522 m2 and internally it has mezzanine surfaces for 700 m2. Inside the factory there are some rooms for office use, a room used as a thermal power plant and an electrical substation, both with access from the outside. The property is equipped with a bridge crane with a capacity of 5 tons and an automated vertical storage system branded "Bertello". It should be noted that the two portions of properties, which in the past were part of the property and which have now been spun off, still use the original systems.

• Platform roof, surface equal to 67 sqm.

• Water plant, partially underground building.

• Platform roof of 256 sqm.

• 684 sqm warehouse.

• Warehouse, made of sheet metal, of 82.45 sqm

• Burner shelter of 46.55 sqm

• Tanks and treatment room for waste water painting 367.50 sqm

• Platform roof of 175 square meters

• Electrical cabin of 52.48 sqm

There is also a sewage treatment plant and an additional 105 sqm platform roof.
The lot is accessed by an automated driveway gate and the total area is 62.411 sqm.

Please note that there are some cadastral irregularities.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Lot Detalis


Industrial building portion in Assisi (PG)

Real Estate

Industrial building portion in Assisi (PG)

Sale 6591


ASYNCHRONOUS TELEMATIC SALE  - Industrial building portion in Assisi (PG), Località Tordibetto, Via Bastia

We collect offers for a portion of five units of an industrial building of greater consistency.

Purchase offers can be presented by telematic modality, using web form "Telematic Offer" made available by Ministry of Justice trought the present webpage website before 12:00 am of day 07/10/2019

Users are advised to start filling out offer well in advance of fixed terms.

Auction base price EUR 300,000.00

Sale operations will take place on 8 October 2019 starting at 12:00 am

For further information on lot and on participation modalities consult attached announcement and documentation
Lot Detalis

Sale date 08 October 2019 at 12:00

Assisi (PG)

Building in Assisi (PG) - LOT 1

Real Estate

Building in Assisi (PG) - LOT 1

Auction 8763

Building in Assisi (PG), via Indipendenza/via Fiorita, Frazione Petrignano - LOT 1

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Assisi at sheet 48:

Parcel 328 - Sub 5 - Category D/7 - R.C. € 10,278.00

The building consists of 4 floors above ground and a basement. On the ground floor there is access through some external steps leading to the entrance and to the laboratory, divided into two rooms. By an iron staircase outside the building you can access at the laboratory on the ground floor. Internally, the electrical system is off track with suspended elements of industrial type, the windows are made up of glass with protective grilles. The laboratory on the ground floor is equipped with a bathroom with an anteroom, all the rooms are heated by means of a thermal convector heating system. From the ground floor by a marble staircase we step to the first floor. On this floor there are three offices, two of which are separated by dividing walls in mobile panels with a metal and glass structure, as well as two bathrooms with a common antebathroom. The second floor is used as an expositon area and an office. From the office it's possible to access the external fire escape. On the second floor there is the air conditioning system. By to a retractable staircase you have access to the top floor of the building, the attic, used as an archive. Through a common staircase to all floors, you have access to the basement currently used as a warehouse. This floor can also be accessed by an external driveway ramp. Access is possible by two driveways. The maintenance status is generally discreet.

For further information consult the appraisal ("fabbricato principale") and the attached documentation.
Lot Detalis

Petrignano (PG)

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